
AI for Marketing Leaders

A six-week course for marketing leaders to build strategic intuition and practical skills to fully leverage AI with the org

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Elevate your org
Build a future-ready org that knows how to strategically leverage AI to serve business goals.

Cohort-based learning

Learn alongside other marketing leaders from top companies around the world

World-class instructors

Our courses weave in multiple instructors from industry who share their insights from the front lines


Use the skills built during the course in a final project that directly ties into your professional world

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Turn roadblocks into success stories

Skills you'll build

How to build the business case for AI adoption
Best practices for building teams and aligning resources for AI initiatives
Intuition for how to identify the right AI tools for your organization

Common mistakes you'll avoid

Diving into major AI projects without an informed strategy or organizational buy-in
Buying into the hype and not pressure testing the value proposition of AI tools
Abandoning AI the first time it doesn't meet expectations
Continuing 'business as usual' and not proactively preparing for AI-driven changes in your industry

Our expert instructors come from world-class companies and have direct experience implementing major AI initiatives within their organizations


Course Snapshot

A mix of foundational learning, practical marketing applications, and strategic intuition for how to be future-ready

WEEK 1: Foundations of AI in Marketing
Get up to speed on the AI essentials every marketer needs to know, dive into real-world case studies, and uncover AI opportunities hiding in your marketing org.
WEEK 2: Data Strategy for AI-Driven Marketing
Master the data skills that'll make you an AI marketing pro, from best practices to building a killer data strategy roadmap.
WEEK 3: Leveraging AI for Customer Insights
Discover how AI can help you predict customer behavior, segment like a pro, and gain game-changing insights from every data point.
WEEK 4: Intelligent Engagement and Personalization
Take personalization to the next level with AI-powered content, real-time interactions, and chatbots that'll upgrade your customers' experience.
WEEK 5: Managing AI TransformationS
Build a marketing team of the future, foster a culture of innovation, and become the AI champion your organization needs.
WEEK 6: Charting the Future of AI in Marketing
Get a glimpse into the future of AI in marketing, from personal AI assistants to the metaverse and web3, and chart your path to becoming an AI marketing trailblazer.

Frequently asked questions

How much is the course?

Pricing will be announced soon, but it will be comparable to other multi-week executive education courses.

Course attendance also includes Foregrounds Membership and access to on-demand tools and exclusive perks.

Who are the instructors?

The Foregrounds instructors are vetted, front-line senior industry professionals who have had direct experience implementing the strategies and frameworks they teach during the course.

In addition to the instructors, The Foregrounds team supports the facilitation of course assignments, Q&A, and virtual office hours.

When does the course start?

Courses start Q1 2025, and the exact dates will be announced soon.

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